AC Heating Blog Heat pumps in commercial buildings

Heat pumps in commercial buildings

Are you looking for ways to reduce the operating costs of your business?

One of the most important parts of any business is ensuring you have a comfortable, reliable heat source for your building. It is therefore important to choose a suitable heating source. A heat pump is a very good option for any business. It is not only economical, it saves more than 70% in running costs compared to an oil boiler, more than 60% running costs compared to a gas boiler but it is also a reliable system with a long lifespan.

Are you considering a heat pump for a guest house, hotel, nursery home, or school? Not sure if this is the right solution? Contact us, we will help you with the whole project, we will prepare the design, we will guide you through the whole process, we will provide professional assembly and we will take care of you during operation. Take advantage of our many years of experience in the field of heating residential and industrial buildings.

Have a look at a case study of an installation in the Park Hotel in Dungarvan:

The Park Hotel Leisure Centre

Type of Property: Leisure Centre with 20 x 8 x 1.5 metre Swimming Pool

Heated Areas: Swimming Pool Water, Kids Pool, Changing Rooms, Domestic Hot Water
Previous Heat source: Oil Boiler
Previous heating costs: 74,000 Litres of Kerosine @ 94 Cent per Litre = €69,560

Park Hotel

A new energy efficient Air-Water Heat pump heating system with it's unique control XCC® unit from Absolutely Clever Heating Ltd. was installed to heat the swimming pool
water, the kids pool water, the domestic hot water and supply heat to the men and women's changing rooms.

Due to lack of space in the original boiler room an outhouse was constructed to accommodate the new hot water cylinder “ACV Jumbo 1000”, the hydraulics, the indoor units and controls ofthe system. The existing swimming pool heat exchanger was replaced by a “solar heat exchanger” with a larger heat exchange area which allows a lower temperature of the heating water therefore increasing efficiency of the heating system. The system is connected to a computer located in the reception of the hotel and this gives maximum control over all temperatures.

The XCC® controls allow to maintain the swimming pool water temperature with a precision of tenths of a degree. The whole system can also be controlled by AC Heating technicians via the internet. A separate electricity meter with day and night rate readings was installed to accurately calculate the running cost. The entire system can by switched over at any time to the previous heat source (oil boiler) without any work required.

• Estimated annual running cost of AC Heating system       = €10,500 per year => €28.70 per day

• Confirmed running cost of the system                                 = €7,117 per year => €19.50 per day

• Confirmed savings                                                                    = €62,442.50 per year

• Total capital cost of the system                                              = € 59,384 + 13.5% Vat

This is a perfect example why our heat pump systems are an ideal solution for any type of property.

If you are interested in more detailes on this topic, please contact us on

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